Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dog Training

We enrolled Ty in a six week class at Petsmart.  We really needed him to learn to come because we have the park right across the street. Whenever he can he gets out and then there is panic from Katie. Also whenever he is around other dogs there is panic from Katie.  She actually shouted at a little girl to get her dog away from Ty because she was afraid they would fight.  Dog training was needed so they could both learn to get along with other dogs.  Ty learned to sit, stay, down, come, leave it, and wait.  We also bought a 20 foot leash to work on come at the park.  Now we don't need to panic and he comes.  He is also alot more attached to us.  We were taking him for twice daily walks at the beginning but now, not so much.  He mostly likes to sit on my lap while we work and sometimes he gets to sleep on the bed at night.

Here is his picture at the end of puppy class with his cap on. 

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